Wednesday, July 9, 2008

4th of July...

We celebrated the fourth in good old Idaho Falls again this year and oh how I love the 4th there. We havn't made it the past two years so it was good to be back. We started out watching a fun parade in perfect weather (no excrutiating heat or sunburns!!), had a delicious fried chicken picnic in the park, and topped it off with pizza by the river just before ending the night with the BEST FIREWORKS EVER!! They really are ranked pretty high now in the nation and this year was the best yet! I loved the show! Jadyn, however, did not and first tried to run away from them but then just hid under my blanket and buried her face in my shoulder the whole time. I kept havng to make her come up for air! By the end she had fallen asleep...who knows how because the finale was SO incredibly loud and earth shaking! Macee on the other hand got bored about half way through and decided to wander around looking for food or something else to do- not even noticing the huge display of fireworks going on behind her:) Only my child would be asking strangers for food while the entire town of Idaho Falls is enthralled with the beautiful fireworks display!
We stayed the whole weekend and had a blast playing with cousins and celebrating birthdays (Ethan and Jadyn). Ben couldn't make it though because he was heading back to Panama where he is now for only a week though this time! Yea! We miss him tons already! Anyway- that's all for now- hope everyone had a great Indepedence Day and may we always remember those who fought for our freedom!
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Sabrina said...

NIIIICE, Missy!!! We'll get the hang of these picture things! Now I've got to figure out how to put other things on like everyone else!

Samantha said...

SUch a cute picture!! Miss you!