Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Jadyn and Caden

Are these kids not adorable?!? Oh how we miss our dear friends the Lusks! Jadyn and Caden (I hope I spelled it right!) are just a few weeks apart in birth and had become quite the cute little friends just before we moved back to Boise. They are both blonde, blue-eyed cuties who were so fun to watch grow up the two years we were in Jerome. Caden was actually tiny compared to Jadyn at birth, and I thought he would trail her a bit growing, but boy he became this little incredible hulk! He is so strong with monster calves and abs of steel that he uses to climb ANYTHING! He outruns her by a mile with his huge feet (don't worry his mom knows they're big too so I won't offend her :)
They sure had a great time playing with each other though and were just starting to want to come to each other's houses to play. I caught the stinkers in a cute moment as I was packing one day and couldn't resist taking their picture. Could this be a photo displayed at a wedding reception one day???? I sure wouldn't mind !! :)
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THE BIG 30!!!

This post is a bit late, but I had to rub it in that Ben has just turned the big 30! He's so old!! Ok- it really didn't seem like that big of a deal though when I remember thinking 30 was so old when I was a kid. He survived though and still is not yet balding :)
We celebrated with a fun surprise party planned by his family and I which turned out great and he didn't even catch on! We had pizza and cake with friends and family and it was a great time. I made a cute little "GOLF" cake with the help of my talented little sister and mother-in-law, complete with green coconut grass, a green with a flag, and even a cool sand trap! It turned out great!
Ben got awesome stuff for our dutch oven we got this year for camping and a cozy BSU blanket which turned out great for the tickets he got to a BSU football game! He and I went while my awesome sister watched the kids (AGAIN) for us. I have only been to two games in the past five or so years and it was really fun and exciting. It's a little different now, not being a cheerleader or even a student- but the excitement and loyalty you feel for the team is still there so it's great. I still get goose bumps whent he crowd starts yelling 'BOISE...STATE!' from side to side. That was my first memory of beign a college cheerleader in a huge stadium with actual fans and I will never forget those great memories :)
Anyway- we had a blast and thanks so much to Beth and Nick for the tickets :) All is going well here in the new place back in Boise, Macee started pre-school which she loes and the teacher seems great! She hasn't found any friends int he neighborhood wuite yet, but has introduced herself to a few elderly neighbors :) Social Macee as usual! WE sure do miss everyone in our old neighborhood though :( I just got a job serving in the evennings a few nights a week at a place called Carrabbas- a yummy Italian Grill! Great food if you ever get to one :)
That's all for now from the Greenwoods- hope all is well!