Saturday, April 3, 2010

St Patty's Day Catch Up...

So it's been a while since I've blogged....SORRY!!! I have a lot of catching up to do so we'll start with St Patty's Day...that's about as far back as I wish to go!! We had a great party at the in-laws new home- yes the FINALLY got their house sold and moved here to Boise over a year later:) It was great to have Grandma Hank and Aunt Kay visiting as well for the festivities!! The place was decked out as you can see and the Irish spirit was all around!

A few of the guests in their party gear!!
The scrumptious corned beef and cabbage! I couldn't believe how yummy the corned beef was! I loved it!! We also dined on Irish Soda bread- DE-LISH!!! Green Jello with whip cream and clover sprinkles, and green fizzy drinks!! SUPERB!!!!
The hosts of the party at their stunning table decor'!!! Thanks for a great time!
Happy St Patty's Day to all!!!

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