Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Merry Christmas to all...

Hello All! Your Christmas wish DID come true- you are getting another BLOG from yours truly! I was way too busy working the two jobs and getting ready for Christmas this year that I did not get any cards out. I apologize many times for this :( So- here's an "E-wish" from me to you wishing you a Happy Holidays!
Things are looking up a bit in our neck of the woods- Ben has gotten a job with Megalife Insurance and recently passed his licensing exam for the state- hallelujah! It was the most nerve racking test he's ever taken- and most expensive I might add- but he pulled through and passed both two hour long exams. He will be hitting it hard the first of the year trying to make that money! It is commission based which stinks, but our area here has been booming so they needed more representatives and that is a good thing! Wish him luck!
I might also add he has had his taste of being a "stay-at-home Dad" and has decided it wasn't as he expected and finally admitted that taking care of the kids IS a hard job, and IS a JOB, and they can really wear you out! FINALLY he understands why the house wasn't spotless, dinner wasn't cooked, laundry wasn't done, etc. while I was "just home with the kids all day!" He even apologized for thinking at times I just sat at home and did nothing!! WOWWWEE! Maybe this job lay off was a good thing after all....ok not really but it has opened his eyes to a lot of things!
Anyway- the girls are great and we had a good Christmas with Ben's family here in Jerome. Macee didn't quite get what she wanted from Santa ( A new house with stairs)but she did get a Barbie movie and a Barbie styling head that she can practice doing hair on to get even better she said! She can already do her own hair and others as well, but braids is her next challenge she wants to accomplish! Little miss Jadyn got an adorable rocking horse that actually neighs and wiggles it's head and tail- she loves it and looks so cute with it. This was definatly the most fun Christmas yet with the kids as they really got into it!
Thank you all for your warm wishes and Christmas cheer sent- it has been needed and was well received! We will be in IF this weekend through New Years Day so I hope to see some of you then if you are in town! I miss and love you all and thanks for all your wonderful blogging that I read every day, namely Samantha and the Anderson- well used to be Anderson sisters!! I

1 comment:

Samantha said...

A Christmas miracle!! :) Thanks for the post and the update! Your girls look adorable!! Glad things are going better!! Miss you tons!
Love ya!