Thursday, March 13, 2008

Oh Panama, Oh Panama

Oh wait...maybe that is the tune to Canada's national anthem :) Panama is what's on the brain right now though-because my hubby is there for two months!!! for those of you who don't know- probably because I am the best communicator ever- he is in Panama City training for a new job in the investment field. SIDENOTE: isn't it ironic that I have a degree in COMMUNICATIONS! I know I know and so do all of you by my overwhelming amount of blogs, e-mails, and phone calls to keep in touch that I am horrible and it!
Anyway, just a quick post to say he is doing well and adjusting ok to life without any girls (aka- wife and kids...yes there are girls in Panama..but not so cute I guess!) He is living quite nicely in a fully furnished condo on the beachfront on the 28th floor of a skyscraper! See attached pictures! His boss is great and is teaching him a ton about business- which he is loving! He struggles with the language barrier a bit but has learned how to order a burger with cheese! Muey Importante! I probably just murdered the spelling on that :(
The girls and I are holding up ok so far- it's only been a week though- 7 more to go, but we will manage with the help and support of many loving family members and friends. I am going to go visit the first weekend in April to expand my cultural horizons-YIKES!! I have a slight phobia of leaving the there a phobia for that?? But I will manage! Should be fun and exciting to go golfing in a rainforest and see the famous Panama Canal! Hope I don't come back with Malaria!
That's about it for now- I am being naughty at work to write this real quick so I better go! Here's the latest pic of my blondees too with Great Grandma Hank. I look awful so just pretend I'm not there- but the rest of them are pretty darn cute dontch'a think! Hope all is well with everyone- keep Ben in your thoughts and prayers while he's away- talk to you later!

1 comment:

Samantha said...

Be safe Ben!! Have fun Mis!! Stay cute girls!! Love you!

PS...Call your friend. :)