Sunday, May 8, 2011

Easter 2011

We had a great Easter weekend this year full of good food and good fun!
Much to my usual demise, we took the girls to en egg hunt this year that a friend of ours told us about. When we got there we realized it looked more like just a neighborhoof hunt in a subdivision and started to wonder if we should even be there! It was perfect though, not a lot fo kids, TONS of eggs, Peter Cotton Tail visiting, and even a real bunny to pet and play with. So we stayed and joined in the fun hoping no one would strike up a conversation and asked which house we lived in :) As the hunt came to an end we thanked the guy in charge and quietly began to sneak away until he stated that the Grand Prize egg had not been found yet AND the parents would enjoy the egg too. Our ears perked up and Ben quickly turned around and told the girls to get back out and look for the green sparkly egg!!
They ended up totally steering the kids in the right direction because no one was finding it, and as we helped look too I noticed a group of older boys standing and pointing in an area. So I watched them for a bit and figured out where they were looking and told Jadyn to head that way. I finally saw it and pointed with my toes and FINALLY JAdyn found it!!! Turns out she scored a $50 gift card to Toys R Us and a $25 gift card for us to a local restaurant!! SWEEET!! She even got her picture in the paper the next week! I did feel a smidge bad for crashing the neighborhood event, but hey we came out winners!!! Happy Easter to us..hee hee hee :)

And the Grand Prize winner is .......JADYN!!!!!

Holding her huge egg with the winnings in it and posing for the paper! Easter hunt after a scrumptious brunch at the Greenwoods. Breakfast casserole, homemade cinnamon rolls (made by muah..I am getting good:), ham, fresh fruit and more!!! I am becoming a big lover of brunches:)

Posing with randma and her famous Easter bread the girls helped make!

Let's eat!!!

One last look at the bread until next year!!!


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