Monday, May 21, 2007

A string of bad luck...

Do you ever feel like things keep getting worse and your luck has just run out? Not that I had real good luck or anything to begin with, but these past few weeks have been nothing but bad.

About two weeks ago my husband's uncle passed away of a sudden unexpected heart attack. We couldn't make it to the funeral because it was in Portland so it was tough not getting to say goodbye.

About the same time we ran into another problem, this time the death of a vehicle. Ben has started a busines recently with a friend doing custom colored and stamped concrete curbing as landscaping. They started out using his truck to pull the trailer but they could tell it wasn't strong enough and the transmission was going to go out, so they began the search for a new one. After much searching they traded in the old one for a bigger truck and thought all was great! Well, four days later the transmission went out on the newly purchased used truck. Luckily the vehicle can be brought back to life, but business had to slow down and got behind without a truck to pull the trailer to do jobs and we have nice new bill to pay!

Then just a week ago a dear friend of our's that Ben grew up with was killed in a car accident. It happened just down the road from where Ben works so going there has been extremely hard. It's especially hard to deal with death again when you don't have the chance to say goodbye, but we carry on.

Well, on Thursday Ben got a huge opporunity for the business to pour 400 feet of curb for a neighbor down the street from his folks house who had seent eh work they had done. This was their biggest job yet and they were pumped! They worked hard from 6 in the morning until about 10 that night getting the job done. He finally got home around 11pm, barely able to walk through the door and get into his pj's (this partly because of exhaustion and partly because of the 1st degree sunburn all over his arms and neck from LACK OF SUNSCREEN!!!) May I note I tried to warn him but he did not listen!! Anyway, he finally fell into bed around midnight and was out.

Well, about 5AM I awoke to go feed Jadyn a nightly snack and noticed some pain in my lower left back. I sat there for a few minutes wondering what I had done and then went on down to her room. It continued to get worse but I thought it would subside eventually. Well it didn't and conintued on and I went back into the room to wake my poor tired husband up to hold Jadyn while I winced in pain on the floor. After about 15 minutes we decided somethin may be wrong and called the ER. They told us to come in after I started throwing up and so we threw on clothes grabbed the poor sleeping kiddos and headed in. They pain was awful, along with the nurse taking care of me who had no sympathy whatsoever for a poor crying woman obvuiosly in a lot of pain! You would think that would be a requirment or somrthing in the medical field!!

Anyway after 4, yes 4 attempts to insert an IV they finally got one started and gave me some drugs to ease the pain...and oh did it feel good. After a catscan they confirmed I was suffering from the infamous KIDNEY STONES! Yes, every man's worst nightmare being as it is labeled the closest thing they can experience to childbirth for a woman! So once again we ended up with a fun trip to the hospital, Ben living off of about 4 hours of sleep in two days. The poor guy was so looking forward to sleeping in but I had to go and get kidney stones! Well, all is well now, I have no idea wether they have passed or not, but all I know is I am home and feeling much better. For those of you who have had them, Sam I think, they are the strangest unexplained things, yet so painful.

So, hopefully this is the end of a little string of bad luck. I usually like to blog or read blogs about happy life things so sorry this one is so depressing to read, but hey, life's not always a box of chocolates right! I am thankful my experience didn't end in a worse matter though, that may be our only good luck for the week, but I will take it anyday! Hope all of your days are going better than mine!

Much love to all!

1 comment:

lindsey said...

MISSY...This is awful! What a crazy series of days. I am SO sorry all of this happened to you guys! I love you! Lu