Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day.....

I decided instead of hearing from my kids why they are glad I am their mom, I would tell them a few reasons why I love being a mom!

1. I love the feeling of a little one who really needs and relies on me-it feels good to be needed and loved all the time:)

2. Endless kisses and hugs!

3. Getting to dress my cute girls up like playing dolls- hee hee I love to make them match!

4. Hearing the funny things innocent little kids say- kids say the darndest things!

5. Watching my kids do things I did when I was little- although I admit it is a bit weird at times remembering myself doing those things.

6. Being so proud of seeing my child succeed and do well in things!

7. Bragging about them:)

8. Cuddling and holding them tight

9. Hearing them say "I love you"

10. Seeing them SMILE :)

11. Watching them mimick people- EX: Playing daycare, making me be the "Auntie" and they are my mom, and my personal favorite playing a server at a restaraunt( Jakers, Red Robin-all the restaraunt experience directly from mom:)

12. Watching them sleep and snore ever so lightly :)zzzzz

13. Watching the excitement of them experiencing something new like a new toy or ride.

14. Getting a great big hug and smile EVERY MORNING! What a way to start a day:)

14. Having my kids pick out my outfit to wear.

15. Knowing finally what it was like for my mom when she would pick out clothes I did not like- yes, mother it is frustrating when you bring home a new outfit for your daughter and she doesn't like it one bit- except my daughter is only 5!! I seem to remember my mom giving up on picking out clothes for me when I was in Jr high!!!

I could go on and on, but these are just a few of my favorite things about being a mom to two wonderful cutie pies! It's so to think my first born is almost 6 now, and it is weird that I am constantly having to learn how to do things that moms do- it never stops- Macee is starting Kindergarten and I have no idea what to do about all this school stuff now! Anyway, I wanted my kids to know- even though they can't read this that I am greatful to be their mom and even though I am not always the best mom and make mistakes and am "such a mean mom"- I will always love my kiddos! Happy Mother's Day to me, my mom and mom-in-law, and all my favorite mommies out there! Cheers to the hardest and most rewarding, fulfilling, and best job ever- Being a MOM!


Sabrina said...

Happy mother's day, Missy, you are a great mom!

lindsey said...

This is so sweet!

Happy Mother's Day!