Saturday, May 9, 2009

Jadyn's Hair Makeover!

Thanks to our lovely neighbor, Stephanie- AKA Hair Extrodinaire- Jadyn was an excellent client and sat so perfectly still to allow her to try and make amends with the missing patches of hair! It turned out having to go a bit shorter than we thought, but I think she did a great job of blending the back in to the giant hole of hair missing don't you! It really looks cute, for a sort of mature pixie cut on a two year old, but I actually think it may help Jadyns hair a bit for those of you who know how Jadyn's hair looks when she wakes up in the morning! She couldn't do much to cover up the chunk of bangs missing in the fornt, so she just added in a few layers in front as well. Macee think she looks like a boy, Ben now has the son he always wanted you may say, and as for Jadyn...she has no idea what just happened:) Thanks Stephanie so much for being so helpful in a hair cutting crisis and only accepting a plate of homemade cookies for payment! It is great to have good neighbors!
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lindsey said...

I think she looks ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!! :)

Kids are so mischievous!

Sabrina said...

Ha Ha Ha!!! I'm laughing at the little innocents cutting hair...not Jadyn's style, because it does look cute!!! How fun for you! PS, I love her crooked little half smile!