Thursday, May 14, 2009

Toothless Wonder

Well I recovered from the haircut crisis- and now the loss of the first tooth! Is Macee really old enough to be losing teeth?!? Bteer yet, before I could even blog about the first tooth, she lost a second one the next day! Might I add it was more traumatic and bothersome for me than it was for her! Loose teeth and pulling teeth are like nails on a chalkboard for me- I can't stand it! I can't look at them or touch them- it grosses me out. For those of you who knew me when I was younger, I would always go next door to my neighbors house whenever I had a loose tooth and she would assist in the pulling! Well, Ben helped get the first one out, but last night she got the other one to the point where it was jsut hanging there-yuck! She just couldn't get it though and got really upset. Ben was still at work and I had to toughen up and attempt to pull it out-boy was it hard for me, I'm such a wussy mom!! Chris Olson where were you when I needed you! For about an hour it was Macee pulling, me pulling, Macee using pliers, me using pliers, and yes even JADYN assisted in trying to help poor Macee get that darn tooth out! Finally I just cringed and screamed and yanked with the pliers one last time. Holy cow- I am never on teeth pulling duty again! YUCK! I cringe just typing about it- man I'm a wuss! Anyway- yet again another motherly milestone for me watching things I rememebr happening to me happen to my own child-WEIRD! Congrats Macee- but next time wait till your DAD gets home to pull your teeth:)
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Candria said...

So many cute posts! Man we miss you guys! Congrats to you and Macee both on the tooth pulling! Jadyn looks adorable, but what a sad day!!
My sister may be moving to Meridian.... Another wonderful excuse for us to come and visit Boise!!!

Sabrina said...

I totally hear you...I was shuddering just reading about that! I am the same way, if one of the kids wiggles their teeth at me I almost throw up. I could NEVER have done that...and with pliers? YUCK!!! Score one for you! And what's up with Macee losing 2 teeth alread? Ethan just barely lost his first one!!!